Bocos de Duero
- Google maps location coordinates: 41.625971, -4.073967 (click here)
The approximate production in our cellars Bocos de Duero, is 200,000 bottles per year, depending on the vintage. Our product range consists of quality red wines, although of different level of aging and cradling: 'Roble' (Oak), 'Crianza', 'Reserva' and 'Autor'.
All wines are made in the winery and its hallmark is marked by its careful aging process, the result of a meticulous work from the vine to the bottle and commercialization, all under the control of the Designation of Origin 'Ribera del Duero 'that guarantees its origin and quality.
Our wine production can boast of two recognized brands in multiple international competitions: "Autor de Bocos' and 'Señorio de Bocos'.
D.O. Ribera del Duero
Villamor de los Escuderos
- Google maps location coordinates: 41.25658, -5.58661 (click here)
Our approximate production in cellars Villamor de los Escuderos (Villagelove of the Squires), is 215,000 bottles per year, depending on the vintage. Our product range includes White 'Verdejo', Rosé, oak and aging Reds.
All wines are made in the winery and its mark of distinction is marked by its careful aging process, the result of a meticulous work from the vine to the bottle and commercialization, all under the control of the PDO 'Tierra del Vino de Zamora' that guarantees its origin and quality.
Two brands distinguish the production of our wines from Zamora: 'Escudero de Bocos' y 'Señorío de Bocos'.
D.O. Tierra del Vino de Zamora